Copyand Past

  Copy and Past
 Royal Crown Copy Books pasted on plywood, pens, visitors
 Colombo Art Biennale, Sri Lanka
 We think that these small books from the 1950s we found in several local bookshops tell a lot about Sri Lankan history as a former colony and about its relationship to the UK. But you have to read it between the lines. On one hand there is this simple gesture of copying sentences letter by letter to learn how to write the Latin script, on the other hand there is the content of these words written again and yet again: You will not find any Sri Lankan concerns within these sentences, but a lot of English history, geography and worldly wisdom. By rewriting the sentences with the help of the vistors of the Biennale we want to add an actual perspective to these propositions. They can either be reproduced with but also reinterpreted to new meanings.

 Copy and Past
Royal Crown Copy Books auf Sperrholz kaschiertRoyal Crown Copy Books pasted on plywood,
Stifte, Besucherpens, visitors
 Colombo, Sri Lanka

 Copy and Past
Overhead-Folie, bedruckt, Acrylglasoverhead foil, printed, acrylic glass
Phrasen aus Royal Crown Copy Booksphrases from Royal Crown Copy Books
 Sri Lanka
